Source code for doapi.base

import abc
import collections
from   datetime  import datetime
import json
import numbers
import socket
import struct
import pyrfc3339
from   six       import add_metaclass, iteritems
from   six.moves import map  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

class Resource(collections.MutableMapping):
    _meta_attrs = ('fields', 'doapi_manager')

    def __init__(self, state=None, **extra):
        # Note that meta attributes in `state` are not recognized as such, but
        # they are in `extra`.
        for attr in self._meta_attrs:
            self.__dict__[attr] = None
        self.fields = {}
        if isinstance(state, self.__class__):
            for attr in self._meta_attrs:
                if attr != 'fields':
                    setattr(self, attr, getattr(state, attr))
            state = state.fields
        elif isinstance(state, Resource):
            raise TypeError('{0!r} object passed to {1!r} constructor'\
                            .format(state._class(), self._class()))
        if state is not None:
        for k,v in iteritems(extra):
            setattr(self, k, v)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return type(self) is type(other) and vars(self) == vars(other)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)  # pylint: disable=unneeded-not

    def __repr__(self):
        # Meta attributes have to be omitted or else infinite recursion will
        # occur when trying to print a Droplet.
        return '{0}({1})'.format(self._class(),
                                 ', '.join('{0}={1!r}'.format(k,v)
                                           for k,v in iteritems(self)))

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.fields[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.fields[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.fields[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.fields)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.fields)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
            return self.fields[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError('{0!r} object has no attribute {1!r}'\
                                 .format(self._class(), name))

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name in self.__dict__:
            self.__dict__[name] = value
            self.fields[name] = value

    def __delattr__(self, name):
        if name in self.__dict__:
            del self.__dict__[name]
            del self.fields[name]

    def _url(self, path):
            endpoint = self.doapi_manager.endpoint
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            endpoint = ''
        return endpoint + path

    def _class(self):
        return __package__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__

[docs] def for_json(self): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Recursively convert the resource and its attributes to values suitable for direct JSONification. This method is primarily intended for use by :func:`simplejson.dump`. :rtype: dict """ return {k: for_json(v) for k,v in iteritems(self)}
class ResourceWithID(Resource): """ A DigitalOcean API object with a unique integral ``id`` field. Allows construction from an integer and implements ``__int__`` for conversion back to the integer. """ def __init__(self, state=None, **extra): if isinstance(state, numbers.Integral): state = {"id": state} super(ResourceWithID, self).__init__(state, **extra) def __int__(self): """ Convert the resource to its unique integer ID """ return @add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Actionable(Resource): @abc.abstractproperty def url(self): """ The endpoint for general operations on the individual resource """ pass @property def action_url(self): """ The endpoint for actions on the individual resource """ return self.url + '/actions' def act(self, **data): """ Perform an arbitrary action on the resource. ``data`` will be serialized as JSON and POSTed to the resource's :attr:`action_url`. All currently-documented actions require the POST body to be a JSON object containing, at a minimum, a ``"type"`` field. :return: an `Action` representing the in-progress operation on the resource :rtype: Action :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ api = self.doapi_manager return api._action(api.request(self.action_url, method='POST', data=data)["action"]) def wait_for_action(self, wait_interval=None, wait_time=None): """ Poll the server periodically until the resource's most recent action has either completed or errored out, and return the resource's final state afterwards. If no actions have ever been performed on the resource, return ``self``. If the resource no longer exists by the time the action has completed, return `None`. If ``wait_time`` is exceeded, a `WaitTimeoutError` (containing the resource's current state) is raised. If a `~exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt` is caught, the resource's current state is returned immediately without waiting for completion. .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Raises `WaitTimeoutError` on timeout .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Name changed from ``wait`` to ``wait_for_action`` .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Return ``self`` if there were no actions on the resource .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Return `None` if the resource no longer exists afterwards :param number wait_interval: how many seconds to sleep between requests; defaults to the `doapi` object's :attr:`~doapi.wait_interval` if not specified or `None` :param number wait_time: the total number of seconds after which the method will raise an error if the action has not yet completed, or a negative number to wait indefinitely; defaults to the `doapi` object's :attr:`~doapi.wait_time` if not specified or `None` :return: the resource's final state :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error :raises WaitTimeoutError: if ``wait_time`` is exceeded """ act = self.fetch_last_action() if act is None: return self else: return act.wait(wait_interval, wait_time).fetch_resource() def fetch_all_actions(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the actions associated with the resource :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ api = self.doapi_manager return map(api._action, api.paginate(self.action_url, 'actions')) def fetch_last_action(self): """ Fetch the most recent action performed on the resource, or `None` if no actions have been performed on it yet. If multiple actions were triggered simultaneously, the choice of which to return is undefined. .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Return `None` if there were no actions on the resource :rtype: Action :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ # Naive implementation: api = self.doapi_manager acts = api.request(self.action_url)["actions"] return api._action(acts[0]) if acts else None # Slow yet guaranteed-correct implementation: #return max(self.fetch_all_actions(), key=lambda a: a.started_at) def fetch_current_action(self): """ Fetch the action currently in progress on the resource, or `None` if there is no such action :rtype: `Action` or `None` :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ lasttime = None for a in self.fetch_all_actions(): # Return the first in-progress Action listed that started on (or # after???) the first Action listed. This is to handle creation of # floating IPs assigned to a droplet, as that can cause the assign # action to be listed after the reserve/create action, even though # the assignment finishes later. if lasttime is None: lasttime = a.started_at elif lasttime > a.started_at: return None if a.in_progress: return a return None @add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Taggable(Resource): @abc.abstractmethod def _taggable(self): """ Returns the value that represents this object in tagging operations """ pass def tag(self, t): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Apply the given tag to the resource :param t: the tag to apply :type t: string or `Tag` :return: `None` :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ self.doapi_manager._tag(t).add(self) def untag(self, t): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Remove the given tag from the resource :param t: the tag to remove :type t: string or `Tag` :return: `None` :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ self.doapi_manager._tag(t).remove(self)
[docs]class DOEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): r""" A :class:`json.JSONEncoder` subclass that converts resource objects to `dict`\ s for JSONification. It also converts iterators to lists. """
[docs] def default(self, obj): # pylint: disable=method-hidden if hasattr(obj, 'for_json') or \ isinstance(obj, (datetime, collections.Iterator)): return for_json(obj) else: return super(DOEncoder, self).default(obj)
def for_json(obj): # private internal function ### Note: In order to be usable as a `default` argument to `json.dump` (Do ### I want that???) this function needs to raise a TypeError on values that ### can't be naively JSONified. ### TODO: Should this recursively convert dicts and lists??? if hasattr(obj, 'for_json'): return obj.for_json() elif isinstance(obj, datetime): return toISO8601(obj) elif isinstance(obj, collections.Iterator): return list(obj) else: return obj
[docs]class Region(Resource): """ A region resource, representing a physical datacenter in which droplets can be located. Available regions can be retreived with the :meth:`doapi.fetch_all_regions` method. The DigitalOcean API specifies the following fields for region objects: :var available: whether new droplets can be created in the region :vartype available: bool :var features: a list of strings naming the features available in the region :vartype features: list of strings :var name: a human-readable name for the region :vartype name: string :var sizes: the slugs of the sizes available in the region :vartype sizes: list of strings :var slug: the unique slug identifier for the region :vartype slug: string """
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Convert the region to its slug representation """ return self.slug
[docs]class Size(Resource): """ A size resource, representing an option for the amount of RAM, disk space, etc. provisioned for a droplet. Available sizes can be retreived with the :meth:`doapi.fetch_all_sizes` method. The DigitalOcean API specifies the following fields for size objects: :var available: whether new droplets can be created with this size :vartype available: bool :var disk: disk size of a droplet of this size in gigabytes :vartype disk: number :var memory: RAM of a droplet of this size in megabytes :vartype memory: number :var price_hourly: the hourly cost for a droplet of this size in USD :vartype price_hourly: number :var price_monthly: the monthly cost for a droplet of this size in USD :vartype price_monthly: number :var regions: the slugs of the regions in which this size is available :vartype regions: list of strings :var slug: the unique slug identifier for the size :vartype slug: string :var transfer: the amount of transfer bandwidth in terabytes available for a droplet of this size :vartype transfer: number :var vcpus: the number of virtual CPUs on a droplet of this size :vartype vcpus: int """
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Convert the size to its slug representation """ return self.slug
[docs]class Account(Resource): """ An account resource describing the user's DigitalOcean account. Current details on the user's account can be retrieved with the :meth:`doapi.fetch_account` method. The DigitalOcean API specifies the following fields for account objects: :var droplet_limit: the maximum number of droplets the account may have at any one time :vartype droplet_limit: int :var email: the e-mail address the account used to register for DigitalOcean :vartype email: string :var email_verified: whether the user's account has been verified via e-mail :vartype email_verified: bool :var floating_ip_limit: the maximum number of floating IPs the account may have at any one time :vartype floating_ip_limit: int :var status: the status of the account: ``"active"``, ``"warning"``, or ``"locked"`` :vartype status: string :var status_message: a human-readable string describing the status of the account :vartype status: string :var uuid: a UUID for the user :vartype uuid: alphanumeric string """ #: The status of an account that is currently active and warning-free STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active' #: The status of an account that is currently in a "warning" state, e.g., #: from having reached the droplet limit STATUS_WARNING = 'warning' #: The status of a locked account STATUS_LOCKED = 'locked'
[docs] def fetch(self): """ Fetch & return a new `Account` object representing the account's current state :rtype: Account :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.doapi_manager.fetch_account()
@property def url(self): """ The endpoint for operations on the user's account """ return self._url('/v2/account')
[docs]class Kernel(ResourceWithID): """ A kernel resource, representing a kernel version that can be installed on a given droplet. A `Droplet`'s current kernel is stored in its ``kernel`` attribute, and the set of kernels available to a given `Droplet` can be retrieved with the :meth:`droplet.fetch_all_kernels` method. The DigitalOcean API specifies the following fields for kernel objects: :var id: a unique identifier for the kernel :vartype id: int :var name: a human-readable name for the kernel :vartype name: string :var version: the version string for the kernel :vartype version: string """ pass
[docs]class Networks(Resource): r""" A networks resource, representing a set of network interfaces configured for a specific droplet. A `Droplet`'s network information is stored in its ``networks`` attribute. The DigitalOcean API implicitly specifies the following fields for networks objects: :var v4: a list of IPv4 interfaces allocated for a droplet :vartype v4: list of `NetworkInterface`\ s :var v6: a list of IPv6 interfaces allocated for a droplet :vartype v6: list of `NetworkInterface`\ s """ def __init__(self, state=None, **extra): super(Networks, self).__init__(state, **extra) meta = { "doapi_manager": self.doapi_manager, } if self.get("v4"): self.v4 = [NetworkInterface(obj, ip_version=4, **meta) for obj in self.v4] if self.get("v6"): self.v6 = [NetworkInterface(obj, ip_version=6, **meta) for obj in self.v6]
[docs]class NetworkInterface(Resource): """ A network interface resource, representing an IP address allocated to a specific droplet. A `Droplet`'s network interfaces are listed in its ``networks`` attribute. The DigitalOcean API implicitly specifies the following fields for network interface objects: :var gateway: gateway :vartype gateway: string :var ip_address: IP address :vartype ip_address: string :var netmask: netmask :vartype ip_address: string :var type: ``"public"`` or ``"private"`` :vartype ip_address: string .. attribute:: ip_version The IP version used by the interface: ``4`` or ``6`` """ _meta_attrs = Resource._meta_attrs + ('ip_version',)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Show just the IP address of the interface """ return self.ip_address
[docs]class BackupWindow(Resource): """ A backup window resource, representing an upcoming timeframe in which a droplet is scheduled to be backed up. A `Droplet`'s next backup window is stored in its ``next_backup_window`` attribute. The DigitalOcean API implicitly specifies the following fields for backup window objects: :var start: beginning of the window :vartype start: datetime.datetime :var end: end of the window :vartype end: datetime.datetime """ def __init__(self, state=None, **extra): super(BackupWindow, self).__init__(state, **extra) self.start = fromISO8601(self.get('start')) self.end = fromISO8601(self.get('end'))
[docs]class DOAPIError(Exception): r""" An exception raised in reaction to the API endpoint responding with a 4xx or 5xx error. Any method that performs an API request may raise this error. If the body of the error response is a JSON object, its fields will be added to the `DOAPIError`\ 's attributes (except where a pre-existing attribute would be overwritten). DigitalOcean error response bodies have been observed to consist of an object with two string fields, ``"id"`` and ``"message"``. Note that this class is only for representing errors reported by the endpoint in response to API requests. Everything else that can go wrong uses the normal Python exceptions. """ def __init__(self, response): #: The :class:`requests.Response` object self.response = response # Taken from requests' raise_for_status: #: An error message that should be appropriate for human consumption, #: containing the type of HTTP error, the URL that was requested, and #: the body of the response. self.http_error_msg = '' if 400 <= response.status_code < 500: self.http_error_msg = '{0.status_code} Client Error: {0.reason}'\ ' for url: {0.url}\n'.format(response) elif 500 <= response.status_code < 600: self.http_error_msg = '{0.status_code} Server Error: {0.reason}'\ ' for url: {0.url}\n'.format(response) self.http_error_msg += response.text super(DOAPIError, self).__init__(self.http_error_msg) try: body = response.json() except ValueError: pass else: if isinstance(body, dict): for k,v in iteritems(body): if not hasattr(self, k): setattr(self, k, v)
def fromISO8601(stamp): if stamp is None or isinstance(stamp, datetime): return stamp else: return pyrfc3339.parse(stamp) def toISO8601(dt): return pyrfc3339.generate(dt, accept_naive=True) def int2ipv4(n): return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!I', n))
[docs]class WaitTimeoutError(Exception): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Raised when the runtime of a ``wait`` method exceeds ``wait_time`` """ def __init__(self, in_progress, attr, value, wait_interval, wait_time): #: A list of any waited-on objects that have not yet completed self.in_progress = in_progress #: The objects' attribute that was being monitored self.attr = attr #: The desired value for the objects' :attr:`attr` attribute self.value = value #: The ``wait_interval`` value for the wait operation self.wait_interval = wait_interval #: The ``wait_time`` value for the wait operation self.wait_time = wait_time super(WaitTimeoutError, self).__init__( in_progress, attr, value, wait_interval, wait_time, ) def __str__(self): return 'wait time limit exceeded'