Source code for doapi.doapi

import json
from   time         import sleep, time
import requests
from   six          import iteritems, string_types
from   six.moves    import map  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from   .base        import Region, Size, Account, DOAPIError, DOEncoder, \
from   .action      import Action
from   .domain      import Domain
from   .droplet     import Droplet
from   .floating_ip import FloatingIP
from   .image       import Image
from   .ssh_key     import SSHKey
from   .tag         import Tag
from   .volume      import Volume

[docs]class doapi(object): """ The primary class for interacting with the DigitalOcean API, used for creating and fetching resources. The resource objects returned by these methods have methods of their own for manipulating them individually. :param str api_token: the API token to use for authentication :param string endpoint: the URL relative to which requests will be made :param number timeout: the ``timeout`` value to use when making requests :type timeout: float, tuple, or `None` :param number wait_interval: the default number of seconds that "wait" operations will sleep for between requests :param wait_time: the default number of seconds after which "wait" operations will return, or `None` or a negative number to wait indefinitely :type wait_type: number or `None` :param per_page: the default number of objects that :meth:`paginate` will fetch on each request, or `None` to leave unspecified :type per_page: integer or `None` """ #: The official DigitalOcean API endpoint DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = '' def __init__(self, api_token, endpoint=DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, timeout=None, wait_interval=2, wait_time=None, per_page=None): #: The API token used for authentication self.api_token = api_token #: The API endpoint URL relative to which requests will be made self.endpoint = endpoint #: The ``timeout`` value to use when making requests; see #: `the requests documentation #: <>`_ #: for more information self.timeout = timeout #: The default number of seconds that :meth:`wait_droplets`, #: :meth:`wait_actions`, and the ``wait`` methods of `Action`, #: `Droplet`, `FloatingIP`, and `Image` will sleep for between requests self.wait_interval = wait_interval #: The default number of seconds after which "wait" operations will #: return, or `None` or a negative number to wait indefinitely self.wait_time = wait_time #: The default number of objects that :meth:`paginate` will fetch on #: each request, or `None` to leave unspecified self.per_page = per_page #: The :class:`requests.Response` object returned for the most recent #: request, or `None` if no requests have been made yet self.last_response = None #: The ``meta`` field in the body of the most recent response, or #: `None` if there was no such field, no requests have been made yet, #: or the last response was an error self.last_meta = None #: The :class:`requests.Session` object through which all requests are #: performed self.session = requests.Session()
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the session. All API methods will be unusable after calling this method. :return: `None` """ self.session.close()
[docs] def request(self, url, params=None, data=None, method='GET'): """ Perform an HTTP request and return the response body as a decoded JSON value :param str url: the URL to make the request of. If ``url`` begins with a forward slash, :attr:`endpoint` is prepended to it; otherwise, ``url`` is treated as an absolute URL. :param dict params: parameters to add to the URL's query string :param data: a value to send in the body of the request. If ``data`` is not a string, it will be serialized as JSON before sending; either way, the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header of the request will be set to :mimetype:`application/json`. Note that a ``data`` value of `None` means "Don't send any data"; to send an actual `None` value, convert it to JSON (i.e., the string ``"null"``) first. :param str method: the HTTP method to use: ``"GET"``, ``"POST"``, ``"PUT"``, or ``"DELETE"`` (case-insensitive); default: ``"GET"`` :return: a decoded JSON value, or `None` if no data was returned :rtype: `list` or `dict` (depending on the request) or `None` :raises ValueError: if ``method`` is an invalid value :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ if url.startswith('/'): url = self.endpoint + url attrs = { "headers": {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api_token}, "params": params if params is not None else {}, "timeout": self.timeout, } method = method.upper() if data is not None: if not isinstance(data, string_types): data = json.dumps(data, cls=DOEncoder) attrs["data"] = data attrs["headers"]["Content-Type"] = "application/json" if method == 'GET': r = self.session.get(url, **attrs) elif method == 'POST': r =, **attrs) elif method == 'PUT': r = self.session.put(url, **attrs) elif method == 'DELETE': r = self.session.delete(url, **attrs) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized HTTP method: ' + repr(method)) self.last_response = r self.last_meta = None if not r.ok: raise DOAPIError(r) if r.text.strip(): # Even when returning "no content", the API can still return # whitespace. response = r.json() try: self.last_meta = response["meta"] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass return response
@property def last_rate_limit(self): """ A `dict` of the rate limit information returned in the most recent response, or `None` if no requests have been made yet. The `dict` consists of all headers whose names begin with ``"RateLimit"`` (case insensitive). The DigitalOcean API specifies the following rate limit headers: :var string RateLimit-Limit: the number of requests that can be made per hour :var string RateLimit-Remaining: the number of requests remaining until the limit is reached :var string RateLimit-Reset: the Unix timestamp for the time when the oldest request will expire from rate limit consideration """ if self.last_response is None: return None else: return {k:v for k,v in iteritems(self.last_response.headers) if k.lower().startswith('ratelimit')}
[docs] def paginate(self, url, key, params=None): """ Fetch a sequence of paginated resources from the API endpoint. The initial request to ``url`` and all subsequent requests must respond with a JSON object; the field specified by ``key`` must be a list, whose elements will be yielded, and the next request will be made to the URL in the ```` field until the responses no longer contain that field. :param str url: the URL to make the initial request of. If ``url`` begins with a forward slash, :attr:`endpoint` is prepended to it; otherwise, ``url`` is treated as an absolute URL. :param str key: the field on each page containing a list of values to yield :param dict params: parameters to add to the initial URL's query string. A ``"per_page"`` parameter may be included to override the default :attr:`per_page` setting. :rtype: generator of decoded JSON values :raises ValueError: if a response body is not an object or ``key`` is not one of its keys :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ if params is None: params = {} if self.per_page is not None and "per_page" not in params: params = dict(params, per_page=self.per_page) page = self.request(url, params=params) while True: try: objects = page[key] except (KeyError, TypeError): raise ValueError('{0!r}: not a key of the response body'\ .format(key)) for obj in objects: yield obj try: url = page["links"]["pages"]["next"] except KeyError: break page = self.request(url)
def _droplet(self, obj): """ Construct a `Droplet` object belonging to the `doapi` object. ``obj`` may be a droplet ID, a dictionary of droplet fields, or another `Droplet` object (which will be shallow-copied). The resulting `Droplet` will only contain the information in ``obj``; no data will be sent to or from the API endpoint. :type obj: integer, `dict`, or `Droplet` :rtype: Droplet """ return Droplet(obj, doapi_manager=self)
[docs] def fetch_droplet(self, obj): """ Fetch a droplet by ID number :param obj: the ID of the droplet, a `dict` with an ``"id"`` field, or a `Droplet` object (to re-fetch the same droplet) :type obj: integer, `dict`, or `Droplet` :rtype: Droplet :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self._droplet(obj).fetch()
[docs] def fetch_all_droplets(self, tag_name=None): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the droplets belonging to the account .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 ``tag_name`` parameter added :param tag_name: if non-`None`, only droplets with the given tag are returned :type tag_name: string or `Tag` :rtype: generator of `Droplet`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ params = {} if tag_name is not None: params["tag_name"] = str(tag_name) return map(self._droplet, self.paginate('/v2/droplets', 'droplets', params=params))
[docs] def create_droplet(self, name, image, size, region, ssh_keys=None, backups=None, ipv6=None, private_networking=None, user_data=None, volumes=None, **kwargs): """ Create a new droplet. All fields other than ``name``, ``image``, ``size``, and ``region`` are optional and will be omitted from the API request if not specified. The returned `Droplet` object will represent the droplet at the moment of creation; the actual droplet may not be active yet and may not have even been assigned an IP address. To wait for the droplet to activate, use the `Droplet`'s :meth:`~Droplet.wait` method. :param str name: a name for the droplet :param image: the image ID, slug, or `Image` object representing the base image to use for the droplet :type image: integer, string, or `Image` :param size: the slug or `Size` object representing the size of the new droplet :type size: string or `Size` :param region: the slug or `Region` object representing the region in which to create the droplet :type region: string or `Region` :param iterable ssh_keys: an iterable of SSH key resource IDs, SSH key fingerprints, and/or `SSHKey` objects specifying the public keys to add to the new droplet's :file:`/root/.ssh/authorized_keys` file :param bool backups: whether to enable automatic backups on the new droplet :param bool ipv6: whether to enable IPv6 on the new droplet :param bool private_networking: whether to enable private networking for the new droplet :param str user_data: a string of user data/metadata for the droplet :param volumes: an iterable of volumes to attach to the new droplet, specified as volume IDs and/or `Volume` objects :type volumes: iterable :param kwargs: additional fields to include in the API request :return: the new droplet resource :rtype: Droplet :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ data = { "name": name, "image": if isinstance(image, Image) else image, "size": str(size), "region": str(region), } if ssh_keys is not None: data["ssh_keys"] = [k._id if isinstance(k, SSHKey) else k for k in ssh_keys] if backups is not None: data["backups"] = backups if ipv6 is not None: data["ipv6"] = ipv6 if private_networking is not None: data["private_networking"] = private_networking if user_data is not None: data["user_data"] = user_data if volumes is not None: data["volumes"] = list(map(str, volumes)) data.update(kwargs) return self._droplet(self.request('/v2/droplets', method='POST', data=data)["droplet"])
[docs] def create_multiple_droplets(self, names, image, size, region, ssh_keys=None, backups=None, ipv6=None, private_networking=None, user_data=None, **kwargs): r""" Create multiple new droplets at once with the same image, size, etc., differing only in name. All fields other than ``names``, ``image``, ``size``, and ``region`` are optional and will be omitted from the API request if not specified. The returned `Droplet` objects will represent the droplets at the moment of creation; the actual droplets may not be active yet and may not have even been assigned IP addresses. To wait for the droplets to activate, use their :meth:`~Droplet.wait` method or `wait_droplets`. :param names: the names for the new droplets :type names: list of strings :param image: the image ID, slug, or `Image` object representing the base image to use for the droplets :type image: integer, string, or `Image` :param size: the slug or `Size` object representing the size of the new droplets :type size: string or `Size` :param region: the slug or `Region` object representing the region in which to create the droplets :type region: string or `Region` :param iterable ssh_keys: an iterable of SSH key resource IDs, SSH key fingerprints, and/or `SSHKey` objects specifying the public keys to add to the new droplets' :file:`/root/.ssh/authorized_keys` files :param bool backups: whether to enable automatic backups on the new droplets :param bool ipv6: whether to enable IPv6 on the new droplets :param bool private_networking: whether to enable private networking for the new droplets :param str user_data: a string of user data/metadata for the droplets :param kwargs: additional fields to include in the API request :return: the new droplet resources :rtype: list of `Droplet`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ data = { "names": list(names), "image": if isinstance(image, Image) else image, "size": str(size), "region": str(region), } if ssh_keys is not None: data["ssh_keys"] = [k._id if isinstance(k, SSHKey) else k for k in ssh_keys] if backups is not None: data["backups"] = backups if ipv6 is not None: data["ipv6"] = ipv6 if private_networking is not None: data["private_networking"] = private_networking if user_data is not None: data["user_data"] = user_data data.update(kwargs) return list(map(self._droplet, self.request('/v2/droplets', method='POST', data=data)["droplets"]))
[docs] def fetch_all_droplet_neighbors(self): r""" Returns a generator of all sets of multiple droplets that are running on the same physical hardware :rtype: generator of lists of `Droplet`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ for hood in self.paginate('/v2/reports/droplet_neighbors', 'neighbors'): yield list(map(self._droplet, hood))
[docs] def wait_droplets(self, droplets, status=None, locked=None, wait_interval=None, wait_time=None): r""" Poll the server periodically until all droplets in ``droplets`` have reached some final state, yielding each `Droplet`'s final value when it's done. If ``status`` is non-`None`, ``wait_droplets`` will wait for each droplet's ``status`` field to equal the given value. If ``locked`` is non-`None`, ``wait_droplets`` will wait for each droplet's ``locked`` field to equal (the truth value of) the given value. Exactly one of ``status`` and ``locked`` must be non-`None`. If ``wait_time`` is exceeded, a `WaitTimeoutError` (containing any remaining in-progress droplets) is raised. If a `~exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt` is caught, any remaining droplets are returned immediately without waiting for completion. .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Raises `WaitTimeoutError` on timeout .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 ``locked`` parameter added .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 No longer waits for actions to complete :param iterable droplets: an iterable of `Droplet`\ s and/or other values that are acceptable arguments to :meth:`fetch_droplet` :param status: When non-`None`, the desired value for the ``status`` field of each `Droplet`, which should be one of `Droplet.STATUS_ACTIVE`, `Droplet.STATUS_ARCHIVE`, `Droplet.STATUS_NEW`, and `Droplet.STATUS_OFF`. (For the sake of forwards-compatibility, any other value is accepted as well.) :type status: string or `None` :param locked: When non-`None`, the desired value for the ``locked`` field of each `Droplet` :type locked: `bool` or `None` :param number wait_interval: how many seconds to sleep between requests; defaults to :attr:`wait_interval` if not specified or `None` :param number wait_time: the total number of seconds after which the method will raise an error if any droplets have not yet completed, or a negative number to wait indefinitely; defaults to :attr:`wait_time` if not specified or `None` :rtype: generator of `Droplet`\ s :raises TypeError: if both or neither of ``status`` & ``locked`` are defined :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error :raises WaitTimeoutError: if ``wait_time`` is exceeded """ if (status is None) == (locked is None): ### TODO: Is TypeError the right type of error? raise TypeError('Exactly one of "status" and "locked" must be' ' specified') droplets = map(self._droplet, droplets) if status is not None: return self._wait(droplets, "status", status, wait_interval, wait_time) if locked is not None: return self._wait(droplets, "locked", bool(locked), wait_interval, wait_time)
def _action(self, obj): """ Construct an `Action` object belonging to the `doapi` object. ``obj`` may be an action ID, a dictionary of action fields, or another `Action` object (which will be shallow-copied). The resulting `Action` will only contain the information in ``obj``; no data will be sent to or from the API endpoint. :type obj: integer, `dict`, or `Action` :rtype: Action """ return Action(obj, doapi_manager=self)
[docs] def fetch_action(self, obj): """ Fetch an action by ID number :param obj: the ID of the action, a `dict` with an ``"id"`` field, or an `Action` object (to re-fetch the same action) :type obj: integer, `dict`, or `Action` :rtype: Action :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self._action(obj).fetch()
[docs] def fetch_last_action(self): """ Fetch the most recent action performed on the account, or `None` if no actions have been performed yet. If multiple actions were triggered simultaneously, the choice of which to return is undefined. :rtype: `Action` or `None` :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ # Naive implementation: acts = self.request('/v2/actions')["actions"] return self._action(acts[0]) if acts else None
# Slow yet guaranteed-correct implementation: #return max(self.fetch_all_actions(), key=lambda a: a.started_at)
[docs] def fetch_all_actions(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the actions associated with the account :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return map(self._action, self.paginate('/v2/actions', 'actions'))
[docs] def wait_actions(self, actions, wait_interval=None, wait_time=None): r""" Poll the server periodically until all actions in ``actions`` have either completed or errored out, yielding each `Action`'s final value as it ends. If ``wait_time`` is exceeded, a `WaitTimeoutError` (containing any remaining in-progress actions) is raised. If a `~exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt` is caught, any remaining actions are returned immediately without waiting for completion. .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Raises `WaitTimeoutError` on timeout :param iterable actions: an iterable of `Action`\ s and/or other values that are acceptable arguments to :meth:`fetch_action` :param number wait_interval: how many seconds to sleep between requests; defaults to :attr:`wait_interval` if not specified or `None` :param number wait_time: the total number of seconds after which the method will raise an error if any actions have not yet completed, or a negative number to wait indefinitely; defaults to :attr:`wait_time` if not specified or `None` :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error :raises WaitTimeoutError: if ``wait_time`` is exceeded """ return self._wait(map(self._action, actions), "done", True, wait_interval, wait_time)
[docs] def wait_actions_on_objects(self, objects, wait_interval=None, wait_time=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Poll the server periodically until the most recent action on each resource in ``objects`` has finished, yielding each resource's final state when the corresponding action is done. If ``wait_time`` is exceeded, a `WaitTimeoutError` (containing any remaining in-progress actions) is raised. If a `~exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt` is caught, any remaining actions are returned immediately without waiting for completion. :param iterable objects: an iterable of resource objects that have ``fetch_last_action`` methods :param number wait_interval: how many seconds to sleep between requests; defaults to :attr:`wait_interval` if not specified or `None` :param number wait_time: the total number of seconds after which the method will raise an error if any actions have not yet completed, or a negative number to wait indefinitely; defaults to :attr:`wait_time` if not specified or `None` :rtype: generator of objects :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error :raises WaitTimeoutError: if ``wait_time`` is exceeded """ acts = [] for o in objects: a = o.fetch_last_action() if a is None: yield o else: acts.append(a) for a in self.wait_actions(acts, wait_interval, wait_time): yield a.fetch_resource()
def _ssh_key(self, obj): """ Construct an `SSHKey` object belonging to the `doapi` object. ``obj`` may be an SSH key ID number, an SSH key fingerprint, a dictionary of SSH key fields, or another `SSHKey` object (which will be shallow-copied). The resulting `SSHKey` will only contain the information in ``obj``; no data will be sent to or from the API endpoint. :type obj: integer, string, `dict`, or `SSHKey` :rtype: SSHKey """ return SSHKey(obj, doapi_manager=self)
[docs] def fetch_ssh_key(self, obj): """ Fetch an SSH public key by ID number or fingerprint :param obj: the ID or fingerprint of the SSH key, a `dict` with an ``"id"`` or ``"fingerprint"`` field, or an `SSHKey` object (to re-fetch the same SSH key) :type obj: integer, string, `dict`, or `SSHKey` :rtype: SSHKey :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self._ssh_key(obj).fetch()
[docs] def fetch_all_ssh_keys(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the SSH public keys belonging to the account :rtype: generator of `SSHKey`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return map(self._ssh_key, self.paginate('/v2/account/keys', 'ssh_keys'))
[docs] def create_ssh_key(self, name, public_key, **kwargs): """ Add a new SSH public key resource to the account :param str name: the name to give the new SSH key resource :param str public_key: the text of the public key to register, in the form used by :file:`authorized_keys` files :param kwargs: additional fields to include in the API request :return: the new SSH key resource :rtype: SSHKey :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ data = {"name": name, "public_key": public_key} data.update(kwargs) return self._ssh_key(self.request('/v2/account/keys', method='POST', data=data)["ssh_key"])
def _image(self, obj): """ Construct an `Image` object belonging to the `doapi` object. ``obj`` may be an image ID, a dictionary of image fields, or another `Image` object (which will be shallow-copied). The resulting `Image` will only contain the information in ``obj``; no data will be sent to or from the API endpoint. :type obj: integer, `dict`, or `Image` :rtype: Image """ return Image(obj, doapi_manager=self)
[docs] def fetch_image(self, obj): """ Fetch an image by ID number :param obj: the ID of the image, a `dict` with an ``"id"`` field, or an `Image` object (to re-fetch the same image) :type obj: integer, `dict`, or `Image` :rtype: Image :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self._image(obj).fetch()
[docs] def fetch_image_by_slug(self, slug): """ Fetch an image by its slug :param str slug: the slug of the image to fetch :rtype: Image :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self._image(self.request('/v2/images/' + slug)["image"])
[docs] def fetch_all_images(self, type=None, private=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the images available to the account :param type: the type of images to fetch: ``"distribution"``, ``"application"``, or all (`None`); default: `None` :type type: string or None :param bool private: whether to only return the user's private images; default: return all images :rtype: generator of `Image`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ params = {} if type is not None: params["type"] = type if private is not None: params["private"] = 'true' if private else 'false' return map(self._image, self.paginate('/v2/images', 'images', params=params))
[docs] def fetch_all_distribution_images(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the distribution images available to the account :rtype: generator of `Image`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.fetch_all_images(type='distribution')
[docs] def fetch_all_application_images(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the application images available to the account :rtype: generator of `Image`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.fetch_all_images(type='application')
[docs] def fetch_all_private_images(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the user's private images :rtype: generator of `Image`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.fetch_all_images(private=True)
def _region(self, obj): """ Construct a `Region` object belonging to the `doapi` object. ``obj`` may be a dictionary of region fields or another `Region` object (which will be shallow-copied). The resulting `Region` will only contain the information in ``obj``; no data will be sent to or from the API endpoint. :type obj: `dict` or `Region` :rtype: Region """ return Region(obj, doapi_manager=self)
[docs] def fetch_all_regions(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the regions available to the account :rtype: generator of `Region`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return map(self._region, self.paginate('/v2/regions', 'regions'))
def _size(self, obj): """ Construct a `Size` object belonging to the `doapi` object. ``obj`` may be a dictionary of size fields or another `Size` object (which will be shallow-copied). The resulting `Size` will only contain the information in ``obj``; no data will be sent to or from the API endpoint. :type obj: `dict` or `Size` :rtype: Size """ return Size(obj, doapi_manager=self)
[docs] def fetch_all_sizes(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the sizes available to the account :rtype: generator of `Size`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return map(self._size, self.paginate('/v2/sizes', 'sizes'))
[docs] def fetch_account(self): """ Returns an `Account` object representing the user's account :rtype: Account :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return Account(self.request('/v2/account')["account"], doapi_manager=self)
def _domain(self, obj): """ Construct a `Domain` object belonging to the `doapi` object. ``obj`` may be a domain name, a dictionary of domain fields, or another `Domain` object (which will be shallow-copied). The resulting `Domain` will only contain the information in ``obj``; no data will be sent to or from the API endpoint. :type obj: string, `dict`, or `Domain` :rtype: Domain """ return Domain(obj, doapi_manager=self)
[docs] def fetch_domain(self, obj): """ Fetch a domain by FQDN :param obj: the domain name, a `dict` with a ``"name"`` field, or a `Domain` object (to re-fetch the same domain) :type obj: string, `dict`, or `Domain` :rtype: Domain :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self._domain(obj).fetch()
[docs] def fetch_all_domains(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the domains belonging to the account :rtype: generator of `Domain`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return map(self._domain, self.paginate('/v2/domains', 'domains'))
[docs] def create_domain(self, name, ip_address, **kwargs): """ Add a new domain name resource to the account. Note that this method does not actually register a new domain name; it merely configures DigitalOcean's nameservers to provide DNS resolution for the domain. See `How To Set Up a Host Name with DigitalOcean <>`_ for more information. :param str name: the domain name to add :param ip_address: the IP address to which the domain should point :type ip_address: string or `FloatingIP` :param kwargs: additional fields to include in the API request :return: the new domain resource :rtype: Domain :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ if isinstance(ip_address, FloatingIP): ip_address = ip_address.ip data = {"name": name, "ip_address": ip_address} data.update(kwargs) return self._domain(self.request('/v2/domains', method='POST', data=data)["domain"])
def _floating_ip(self, obj): """ Construct a `FloatingIP` object belonging to the `doapi` object. ``obj`` may be an IP address (as a string or 32-bit integer), a dictionary of floating IP fields, or another `FloatingIP` object (which will be shallow-copied). The resulting `FloatingIP` will only contain the information in ``obj``; no data will be sent to or from the API endpoint. :type obj: string, integer, `dict`, or `FloatingIP` :rtype: FloatingIP """ return FloatingIP(obj, doapi_manager=self)
[docs] def fetch_floating_ip(self, obj): """ Fetch a floating IP :param obj: an IP address (as a string or 32-bit integer), a `dict` with an ``"ip"`` field, or a `FloatingIP` object (to re-fetch the same floating IP) :type obj: string, integer, `dict`, or `FloatingIP` :rtype: FloatingIP :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self._floating_ip(obj).fetch()
[docs] def fetch_all_floating_ips(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the floating IPs belonging to the account :rtype: generator of `FloatingIP`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return map(self._floating_ip, self.paginate('/v2/floating_ips', 'floating_ips'))
[docs] def create_floating_ip(self, droplet_id=None, region=None, **kwargs): """ Create a new floating IP assigned to a droplet or reserved to a region. Either ``droplet_id`` or ``region`` must be specified, but not both. The returned `FloatingIP` object will represent the IP at the moment of creation; if the IP address is supposed to be assigned to a droplet, the assignment may not have been completed at the time the object is returned. To wait for the assignment to complete, use the `FloatingIP`'s :meth:`~FloatingIP.wait_for_action` method. :param droplet_id: the droplet to assign the floating IP to as either an ID or a `Droplet` object :type droplet_id: integer or `Droplet` :param region: the region to reserve the floating IP to as either a slug or a `Region` object :type region: string or `Region` :param kwargs: additional fields to include in the API request :return: the new floating IP :rtype: FloatingIP :raises TypeError: if both ``droplet_id`` & ``region`` or neither of them are defined :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ if (droplet_id is None) == (region is None): ### TODO: Is TypeError the right type of error? raise TypeError('Exactly one of "droplet_id" and "region" must be' ' specified') if droplet_id is not None: if isinstance(droplet_id, Droplet): droplet_id = data = {"droplet_id": droplet_id} else: if isinstance(region, Region): region = region.slug data = {"region": region} data.update(kwargs) return self._floating_ip(self.request('/v2/floating_ips', method='POST', data=data)["floating_ip"])
def _tag(self, obj): """ Construct a `Tag` object belonging to the `doapi` object. ``obj`` may be a tag name, a dictionary of tag fields, or another `Tag` object (which will be shallow-copied). The resulting `Tag` will only contain the information in ``obj``; no data will be sent to or from the API endpoint. :type obj: string, `dict`, or `Tag` :rtype: Tag """ return Tag(obj, doapi_manager=self)
[docs] def fetch_tag(self, obj): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Fetch a tag by name :param obj: the name of the tag, a `dict` with a ``"name"`` field, or a `Tag` object (to re-fetch the same tag) :type obj: string, `dict`, or `Tag` :rtype: Tag :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self._tag(obj).fetch()
[docs] def fetch_all_tags(self): r""" .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Returns a generator that yields all of the tags belonging to the account :rtype: generator of `Tag`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return map(self._tag, self.paginate('/v2/tags', 'tags'))
[docs] def create_tag(self, name): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Add a new tag resource to the account :param str name: the name of the new tag :rtype: Tag :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self._tag(self.request('/v2/tags', method='POST', data={ "name": name, })["tag"])
def _volume(self, obj): """ Construct a `Volume` object belonging to the `doapi` object. ``obj`` may be a volume ID, a dictionary of volume fields, or another `Volume` object (which will be shallow-copied). The resulting `Volume` will only contain the information in ``obj``; no data will be sent to or from the API endpoint. :type obj: string, `dict`, or `Volume` :rtype: Volume """ return Volume(obj, doapi_manager=self)
[docs] def fetch_volume(self, obj): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Fetch a volume by ID :param obj: the ID of the volume, a `dict` with an ``"id"`` field, or a `Volume` object (to re-fetch the same volume) :type obj: string, `dict`, or `Volume` :rtype: Volume :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self._volume(obj).fetch()
[docs] def fetch_all_volumes(self, name=None, region=None): r""" .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Returns a generator that yields all of the volumes belonging to the account :param string name: if non-`None`, only volumes with the given name are fetched :param region: if non-`None`, only volumes in the given region are fetched :type region: string or `Region` :rtype: generator of `Volume`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ params = {} if name is not None: params["name"] = name if region is not None: params["region"] = str(region) return map(self._volume, self.paginate('/v2/volumes', 'volumes', params=params))
[docs] def create_volume(self, name, region, size_gigabytes, description=None, **kwargs): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Create a new block storage volume :param str name: the name of the new volume :param region: the slug or `Region` object representing the region in which to create the volume :type region: string or `Region` :param int size_gigabytes: the size of the new volume in gigabytes :param str description: an optional human-readable free-form description of the volume :param kwargs: additional fields to include in the API request :return: the new volume resource :rtype: Volume :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ data = { "name": name, "region": str(region), "size_gigabytes": size_gigabytes, } if description is not None: data["description"] = description data.update(kwargs) return self._volume(self.request('/v2/volumes', method='POST', data=data)["volume"])
[docs] def delete_volume_by_name(self, volume_name, region): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Delete the volume with the given name in the given region :param str volume_name: the name of the volume to delete :param region: the region in which the volume to delete is located :type region: slug or `Region` :return: `None` :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ self.request( '/v2/volumes', params={"name": volume_name, "region": str(region)}, method='DELETE', )
[docs] def act_on_volume_by_name(self, type, volume_name, region=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Perform an arbitrary action on a volume identified by name and possibly by region. :param str type: The type of action to perform. Values specified by the DigitalOcean API include ``"attach"``, ``"detach"``, and ``"resize"``. :param str volume_name: the name of the volume to act on :param region: The region in which the volume to act on is located. This may or may not be required, depending on the action and other parameters provided. :type region: slug, `Region`, or `None` :param kwargs: additional fields to include in the API request :return: an `Action` representing the in-progress operation on the volume :rtype: Action :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ data = { "type": type, "volume_name": str(volume_name), } if region is not None: data["region"] = str(region) data.update(kwargs) return self._action(self.request('/v2/volumes/actions', method='POST', data=data)["action"])
[docs] def attach_volume_by_name(self, volume_name, droplet_id): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Attach a volume identified only by name to a given droplet. The volume and droplet must be in the same region. :param str volume_name: the name of the volume to attach :param droplet_id: the droplet to attach the volume to :type droplet_id: integer or `Droplet` :return: an `Action` representing the in-progress operation on the volume :rtype: Action :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_volume_by_name("attach", volume_name, droplet_id=int(droplet_id))
[docs] def detach_volume_by_name(self, volume_name, droplet_id): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Detach a volume identified only by name from a given droplet. The volume and droplet must be in the same region. :param str volume_name: the name of the volume to detach :param droplet_id: the droplet to detach the volume from :type droplet_id: integer or `Droplet` :return: an `Action` representing the in-progress operation on the volume :rtype: Action :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_volume_by_name("detach", volume_name, droplet_id=int(droplet_id))
[docs] def resize_volume_by_name(self, volume_name, region, size_gigabytes): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Resize the volume with the given name in the given region :param str volume_name: the name of the volume to resize :param region: the region in which the volume to resize is located :type region: slug or `Region` :param size_gigabytes: the new size of the volume in gigabytes :type size_gigabytes: integer :return: an `Action` representing the in-progress operation on the volume :rtype: Action :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_volume_by_name("resize", volume_name, region, size_gigabytes=size_gigabytes)
def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and vars(self) == vars(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) # pylint: disable=unneeded-not def _wait(self, objects, attr, value, wait_interval=None, wait_time=None): r""" Calls the ``fetch`` method of each object in ``objects`` periodically until the ``attr`` attribute of each one equals ``value``, yielding the final state of each object as soon as it satisfies the condition. If ``wait_time`` is exceeded, a `WaitTimeoutError` (containing any remaining in-progress objects) is raised. If a `~exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt` is caught, any remaining objects are returned immediately without waiting for completion. .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Raises `WaitTimeoutError` on timeout :param iterable objects: an iterable of `Resource`\ s with ``fetch`` methods :param string attr: the attribute to watch :param value: the value of ``attr`` to wait for :param number wait_interval: how many seconds to sleep between requests; defaults to :attr:`wait_interval` if not specified or `None` :param number wait_time: the total number of seconds after which the method will raise an error if any objects have not yet completed, or a negative number to wait indefinitely; defaults to :attr:`wait_time` if not specified or `None` :rtype: generator :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error :raises WaitTimeoutError: if ``wait_time`` is exceeded """ objects = list(objects) if not objects: return if wait_interval is None: wait_interval = self.wait_interval if wait_time < 0: end_time = None else: if wait_time is None: wait_time = self.wait_time if wait_time is None or wait_time < 0: end_time = None else: end_time = time() + wait_time while end_time is None or time() < end_time: loop_start = time() next_objs = [] for o in objects: obj = o.fetch() if getattr(obj, attr, None) == value: yield obj else: next_objs.append(obj) objects = next_objs if not objects: break loop_end = time() time_left = wait_interval - (loop_end - loop_start) if end_time is not None: time_left = min(time_left, end_time - loop_end) if time_left > 0: try: sleep(time_left) except KeyboardInterrupt: for o in objects: yield o return if objects: raise WaitTimeoutError(objects, attr, value, wait_interval, wait_time)