Source code for doapi.volume

from   six   import string_types
from   .base import Actionable, Region, fromISO8601

[docs]class Volume(Actionable): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 A block storage volume resource, representing data storage that can be added to a droplet and moved between droplets in the same region. New volumes are created via the :meth:`doapi.create_volume` method and can be retrieved with the :meth:`doapi.fetch_volume` and :meth:`doapi.fetch_all_volumes` methods. The DigitalOcean API specifies the following fields for volume objects: :var id: a unique identifier for the volume :vartype id: string :var created_at: date & time of the volume's creation :vartype created_at: datetime.datetime :var description: a human-readable free-form description for the volume :vartype description: string :var droplet_ids: IDs of droplets that the volume is currently attached to :vartype droplet_ids: list of integers :var name: a human-readable name for the volume :vartype name: string :var region: the region in which the volume is located :vartype region: `Region` :var size_gigabytes: the size of the volume in gigabytes :vartype size_gigabytes: integer """ def __init__(self, state=None, **extra): if isinstance(state, string_types): state = {"id": state} super(Volume, self).__init__(state, **extra) for attr, cls in [('region', Region)]: if self.get(attr) is not None and not isinstance(self[attr], cls): self[attr] = cls(self[attr], doapi_manager=self.doapi_manager) self.created_at = fromISO8601(self.get('created_at'))
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Convert the volume object to its ID """ return
@property def url(self): """ The endpoint for general operations on the individual volume """ return self._url('/v2/volumes/' +
[docs] def fetch(self): """ Fetch & return a new `Volume` object representing the volume's current state :rtype: Volume :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error (e.g., if the volume no longer exists) """ api = self.doapi_manager return api._volume(api.request(self.url)["volume"])
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete the volume :return: `None` :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ self.doapi_manager.request(self.url, method='DELETE')
[docs] def attach(self, droplet_id): """ Attach the volume to a droplet :param droplet_id: the droplet to attach the volume to :type droplet_id: integer or `Droplet` :return: an `Action` representing the in-progress operation on the volume :rtype: Action :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act(type='attach', droplet_id=int(droplet_id))
[docs] def detach(self, droplet_id): """ Detach the volume from a droplet :param droplet_id: the droplet from which to remove the volume :type droplet_id: integer or `Droplet` :return: an `Action` representing the in-progress operation on the volume :rtype: Action :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act(type='detach', droplet_id=int(droplet_id))
[docs] def resize(self, size_gigabytes): """ Resize the volume :param size_gigabytes: the new size of the volume in gigabytes :type size_gigabytes: integer :return: an `Action` representing the in-progress operation on the volume :rtype: Action :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act(type='resize', size_gigabytes=size_gigabytes)