Source code for doapi.tag

from six          import iteritems, string_types
from six.moves    import map  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from .base        import Resource
from .droplet     import Droplet
from .floating_ip import FloatingIP
from .image       import Image

resource_types = {
    "droplets": Droplet,
    # Not supported by DO yet, but it's good to be prepared:
    "images": Image,
    "floating_ips": FloatingIP,

[docs]class Tag(Resource): r""" .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 A tag resource, representing a label that can be applied to other resources. New tags are created via the :meth:`doapi.create_tag` method and can be retrieved with the :meth:`doapi.fetch_tag` and :meth:`doapi.fetch_all_tags` methods. The DigitalOcean API specifies the following fields for tag objects: :var name: the name of the tag :vartype name: string :var resources: a `dict` mapping resource types (e.g., ``"droplets"``) to sub-`dict`\ s containing fields ``"count"`` (the number of resources of the given type with the given tag) and ``"last_tagged"`` (the resource of the given type to which the tag was most recently applied) """ def __init__(self, state=None, **extra): if isinstance(state, string_types): state = {"name": state} super(Tag, self).__init__(state, **extra) self.setdefault('resources', dict()) for name, cls in iteritems(resource_types): if isinstance(self.resources.get(name), dict): last_tagged = self.resources[name].get("last_tagged") if last_tagged is not None and not isinstance(last_tagged, cls): self.resources[name]["last_tagged"] = \ cls(last_tagged, doapi_manager=self.doapi_manager) @property def url(self): """ The endpoint for general operations on the individual tag """ return self._url('/v2/tags/' +
[docs] def fetch(self): """ Fetch & return a new `Tag` object representing the tag's current state :rtype: Tag :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error (e.g., if the tag no longer exists) """ api = self.doapi_manager return api._tag(api.request(self.url)["tag"])
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Convert the tag object to its name """ return
[docs] def update_tag(self, name): # The `_tag` is to avoid conflicts with MutableMapping.update. """ Update (i.e., rename) the tag :param str name: the new name for the tag :return: an updated `Tag` object :rtype: Tag :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ api = self.doapi_manager return api._tag(api.request(self.url, method='PUT', data={"name": name})["tag"])
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete the tag :return: `None` :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ self.doapi_manager.request(self.url, method='DELETE')
[docs] def add(self, *resources): """ Apply the tag to one or more resources :param resources: one or more `Resource` objects to which tags can be applied :return: `None` :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ self.doapi_manager.request(self.url + '/resources', method='POST', data={"resources": _to_taggable(resources)})
[docs] def remove(self, *resources): """ Remove the tag from one or more resources :param resources: one or more `Resource` objects to which tags can be applied :return: `None` :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ self.doapi_manager.request(self.url + '/resources', method='DELETE', data={"resources": _to_taggable(resources)})
[docs] def fetch_all_droplets(self): r""" Returns a generator that yields all of the droplets to which the tag is currently applied :rtype: generator of `Droplet`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.doapi_manager.fetch_all_droplets(
[docs] def delete_all_droplets(self): """ Delete all of the droplets to which the tag is applied :return: `None` :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ self.doapi_manager.request('/v2/droplets', method='DELETE', params={"tag_name":})
[docs] def act_on_droplets(self, **data): r""" Perform an arbitrary action on all of the droplets to which the tag is applied. ``data`` will be serialized as JSON and POSTed to the proper API endpoint. All currently-documented actions require the POST body to be a JSON object containing, at a minimum, a ``"type"`` field. :return: a generator of `Action`\ s representing the in-progress operations on the droplets :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ api = self.doapi_manager return map(api._action, api.request('/v2/droplets/actions', method='POST', params={"tag_name":}, data=data)["actions"])
[docs] def power_cycle(self): r""" Power cycle all of the droplets to which the tag is applied :return: a generator of `Action`\ s representing the in-progress operations on the droplets :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_droplets(type='power_cycle')
[docs] def power_on(self): r""" Power on all of the droplets to which the tag is applied :return: a generator of `Action`\ s representing the in-progress operations on the droplets :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_droplets(type='power_on')
[docs] def power_off(self): r""" Power off all of the droplets to which the tag is applied :return: a generator of `Action`\ s representing the in-progress operations on the droplets :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_droplets(type='power_off')
[docs] def shutdown(self): r""" Shut down all of the droplets to which the tag is applied :return: a generator of `Action`\ s representing the in-progress operations on the droplets :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_droplets(type='shutdown')
[docs] def enable_private_networking(self): r""" Enable private networking on all of the droplets to which the tag is applied :return: a generator of `Action`\ s representing the in-progress operations on the droplets :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_droplets(type='enable_private_networking')
[docs] def enable_ipv6(self): r""" Enable IPv6 networking on all of the droplets to which the tag is applied :return: a generator of `Action`\ s representing the in-progress operations on the droplets :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_droplets(type='enable_ipv6')
[docs] def enable_backups(self): r""" Enable backups on all of the droplets to which the tag is applied :return: a generator of `Action`\ s representing the in-progress operations on the droplets :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_droplets(type='enable_backups')
[docs] def disable_backups(self): r""" Disable backups on all of the droplets to which the tag is applied :return: a generator of `Action`\ s representing the in-progress operations on the droplets :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_droplets(type='disable_backups')
[docs] def snapshot(self, name): r""" Create snapshot images of all of the droplets to which the tag is applied :param str name: the name for the new snapshots :return: a generator of `Action`\ s representing the in-progress operations on the droplets :rtype: generator of `Action`\ s :raises DOAPIError: if the API endpoint replies with an error """ return self.act_on_droplets(type='snapshot', name=name)
def _to_taggable(resources): res = [] for r in resources: try: res.append(r._taggable()) except (AttributeError, TypeError): if isinstance(r, Resource): raise TypeError('Tagging {0!r} objects is not supported' .format(r._class())) else: # Assume `r` is a "primitive" type res.append(r) return res