

class doapi.Droplet[source]

A droplet resource, representing a virtual machine provided by DigitalOcean.

New droplets are created via the doapi.create_droplet() and doapi.create_multiple_droplets() methods and can be retrieved with the doapi.fetch_droplet() and doapi.fetch_all_droplets() methods.

The DigitalOcean API specifies the following fields for droplet objects:

  • id (int) – a unique identifier for the droplet
  • backup_ids (list of integers) – image IDs of backups taken of the droplet
  • created_at (datetime.datetime) – date & time of the droplet’s creation
  • disk (number) – size of the droplet’s disk in gigabytes
  • features (list of strings) – a list of strings naming the features enabled on the droplet
  • image (Image) – the base image used to create the droplet
  • kernel (Kernel or None) – the droplet’s current kernel
  • locked (bool) – whether the droplet is currently locked, preventing actions on it
  • memory (number) – RAM of the droplet in megabytes
  • name (string) – a human-readable name for the droplet
  • networks (Networks) – the network interfaces configured for the droplet
  • next_backup_window (BackupWindow or None) – the start & end of the next timeframe in which the droplet will be backed up; only defined if backups are enabled on the droplet
  • region (Region) – the region in which the droplet is located
  • size (Size) – the current size of the droplet
  • size_slug (string) – the unique slug identifier for the droplet’s size
  • snapshot_ids (list of integers) – image IDs of snapshots taken of the droplet
  • status (string) – the current state of the droplet: "new", "active", "off", or "archive"
  • tags (list of strings) – tags that have been applied to the droplet
  • vcpus (int) – number of virtual CPUs

The endpoint for actions on the individual resource


Perform an arbitrary action on the resource. data will be serialized as JSON and POSTed to the resource’s action_url. All currently-documented actions require the POST body to be a JSON object containing, at a minimum, a "type" field.

Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the resource
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error
wait_for_action(wait_interval=None, wait_time=None)

Poll the server periodically until the resource’s most recent action has either completed or errored out, and return the resource’s final state afterwards. If no actions have ever been performed on the resource, return self. If the resource no longer exists by the time the action has completed, return None.

If wait_time is exceeded, a WaitTimeoutError (containing the resource’s current state) is raised.

If a KeyboardInterrupt is caught, the resource’s current state is returned immediately without waiting for completion.

Changed in version 0.2.0: Raises WaitTimeoutError on timeout

Changed in version 0.2.0: Name changed from wait to wait_for_action

Changed in version 0.2.0: Return self if there were no actions on the resource

Changed in version 0.2.0: Return None if the resource no longer exists afterwards

  • wait_interval (number) – how many seconds to sleep between requests; defaults to the doapi object’s wait_interval if not specified or None
  • wait_time (number) – the total number of seconds after which the method will raise an error if the action has not yet completed, or a negative number to wait indefinitely; defaults to the doapi object’s wait_time if not specified or None

the resource’s final state


Returns a generator that yields all of the actions associated with the resource

Return type:generator of Actions
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Fetch the most recent action performed on the resource, or None if no actions have been performed on it yet. If multiple actions were triggered simultaneously, the choice of which to return is undefined.

Changed in version 0.2.0: Return None if there were no actions on the resource

Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Fetch the action currently in progress on the resource, or None if there is no such action

Return type:Action or None
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Convert the resource to its unique integer ID


New in version 0.2.0.

Apply the given tag to the resource

Parameters:t (string or Tag) – the tag to apply
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

New in version 0.2.0.

Remove the given tag from the resource

Parameters:t (string or Tag) – the tag to remove
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error
STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active'

The status of droplets that are powered on and operating

STATUS_ARCHIVE = 'archive'

The status of “archived” droplets

STATUS_NEW = 'new'

The status of recently-created droplets that are not yet usable

STATUS_OFF = 'off'

The status of droplets that are powered off


True iff the droplet’s status is "active"


True iff the droplet’s status is "new"


True iff the droplet’s status is "off"


True iff the droplet’s status is "archive"


The unique slug identifier for the droplet’s region


The unique slug identifier for the droplet’s image, or None if the image doesn’t have a slug


The IP address of the first interface listed in the droplet’s networks field (ordering IPv4 before IPv6), or None if there are no interfaces


New in version 0.2.0.

The IP address of the first IPv4 interface listed in the droplet’s networks field, or None if there is no IPv4 interface


New in version 0.2.0.

The IP address of the first IPv6 interface listed in the droplet’s networks field, or None if there is no IPv4 interface


The endpoint for general operations on the individual droplet


Fetch & return a new Droplet object representing the droplet’s current state

Return type:Droplet
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error (e.g., if the droplet no longer exists)

Returns a generator that yields all of the droplets running on the same physical server as the droplet

Return type:generator of Droplets
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Returns a generator that yields all of the snapshot images created from the droplet

Return type:generator of Images
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Returns a generator that yields all of the backup images created from the droplet

Return type:generator of Images
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Returns a generator that yields all of the kernels available to the droplet

Return type:generator of Kernels
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Enable backups on the droplet

Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Disable backups on the droplet

Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Reboot the droplet

A reboot action is an attempt to reboot the Droplet in a graceful way, similar to using the reboot command from the console. [APIDocs]
Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Power cycle the droplet

A powercycle action is similar to pushing the reset button on a physical machine, it’s similar to booting from scratch. [APIDocs]
Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Shut down the droplet

A shutdown action is an attempt to shutdown the Droplet in a graceful way, similar to using the shutdown command from the console. Since a shutdown command can fail, this action guarantees that the command is issued, not that it succeeds. The preferred way to turn off a Droplet is to attempt a shutdown, with a reasonable timeout, followed by a power off action to ensure the Droplet is off. [APIDocs]
Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Power off the droplet

A power_off event is a hard shutdown and should only be used if the shutdown() action is not successful. It is similar to cutting the power on a server and could lead to complications. [APIDocs]
Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Power on the droplet

Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Restore the droplet to the specified backup image

A Droplet restoration will rebuild an image using a backup image. The image ID that is passed in must be a backup of the current Droplet instance. The operation will leave any embedded SSH keys intact. [APIDocs]
Parameters:image (integer, string, or Image) – an image ID, an image slug, or an Image object representing a backup image of the droplet
Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Reset the password for the droplet

Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error
resize(size, disk=None)[source]

Resize the droplet

  • size (string or Size) – a size slug or a Size object representing the size to resize to
  • disk (bool) – Set to True for a permanent resize, including disk changes

an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet

Return type:



DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error


Rebuild the droplet with the specified image

A rebuild action functions just like a new create. [APIDocs]
Parameters:image (integer, string, or Image) – an image ID, an image slug, or an Image object representing the image the droplet should use as a base
Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Rename the droplet

Parameters:name (str) – the new name for the droplet
Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Change the droplet’s kernel

Parameters:kernel (integer or Kernel) – a kernel ID or Kernel object representing the new kernel
Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Enable IPv6 networking on the droplet

Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Enable private networking on the droplet

Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Create a snapshot image of the droplet

Parameters:name (str) – the name for the new snapshot
Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the droplet
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Delete the droplet

Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error
wait(status=None, locked=None, wait_interval=None, wait_time=None)[source]

Poll the server periodically until the droplet has reached some final state. If status is non-None, wait will wait for the droplet’s status field to equal the given value. If locked is non-None, wait will wait for the droplet’s locked field to equal (the truth value of) the given value. Exactly one of status and locked must be non-None.

If wait_time is exceeded, a WaitTimeoutError (containing the droplet’s most recently fetched state) is raised.

If a KeyboardInterrupt is caught, the droplet’s most recently fetched state is returned immediately without waiting for completion.

Changed in version 0.2.0: Raises WaitTimeoutError on timeout

Changed in version 0.2.0: locked parameter added

Changed in version 0.2.0: No longer waits for latest action to complete

  • status (string or None) – When non-None, the desired value for the status field of the droplet, which should be one of Droplet.STATUS_ACTIVE, Droplet.STATUS_ARCHIVE, Droplet.STATUS_NEW, and Droplet.STATUS_OFF. (For the sake of forwards-compatibility, any other value is accepted as well.)
  • locked (bool or None) – When non-None, the desired value for the locked field of the droplet
  • wait_interval (number) – how many seconds to sleep between requests; defaults to the doapi object’s wait_interval if not specified or None
  • wait_time (number) – the total number of seconds after which the method will raise an error if the droplet has not yet completed, or a negative number to wait indefinitely; defaults to the doapi object’s wait_time if not specified or None

the droplet’s final state

Return type:


  • TypeError – if both or neither of status & locked are defined
  • DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error
  • WaitTimeoutError – if wait_time is exceeded
[APIDocs](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/


class doapi.BackupWindow[source]

A backup window resource, representing an upcoming timeframe in which a droplet is scheduled to be backed up.

A Droplet’s next backup window is stored in its next_backup_window attribute.

The DigitalOcean API implicitly specifies the following fields for backup window objects:



class doapi.Kernel[source]

A kernel resource, representing a kernel version that can be installed on a given droplet.

A Droplet’s current kernel is stored in its kernel attribute, and the set of kernels available to a given Droplet can be retrieved with the droplet.fetch_all_kernels() method.

The DigitalOcean API specifies the following fields for kernel objects:

  • id (int) – a unique identifier for the kernel
  • name (string) – a human-readable name for the kernel
  • version (string) – the version string for the kernel

Convert the resource to its unique integer ID


class doapi.Networks[source]

A networks resource, representing a set of network interfaces configured for a specific droplet.

A Droplet’s network information is stored in its networks attribute.

The DigitalOcean API implicitly specifies the following fields for networks objects:

  • v4 (list of NetworkInterfaces) – a list of IPv4 interfaces allocated for a droplet
  • v6 (list of NetworkInterfaces) – a list of IPv6 interfaces allocated for a droplet


class doapi.NetworkInterface[source]

A network interface resource, representing an IP address allocated to a specific droplet.

A Droplet’s network interfaces are listed in its networks attribute.

The DigitalOcean API implicitly specifies the following fields for network interface objects:

  • gateway (string) – gateway
  • ip_address (string) – IP address
  • netmask – netmask
  • type"public" or "private"

The IP version used by the interface: 4 or 6


Show just the IP address of the interface