

doapi-image — manage DigitalOcean droplet images


doapi-image show     [-M|--multiple] [<image> ...]
doapi-image show     {--application|--distribution|--type=<type>|--private}

doapi-image update   [--unique] <image> <new name>

doapi-image convert  [<wait options>] [-M|--multiple] <image> ...
doapi-image transfer [<wait options>] [-M|--multiple] <region> <image> ...

doapi-image act      [<wait options>] [-p|--params <JSON|@file>] [-M|--multiple] <type> <image> ...
doapi-image actions  [--in-progress | --last] [-M|--multiple] <image> ...
doapi-image wait     [--wait-time <seconds>] [--wait-interval <seconds>] [-M|--multiple] <image> ...

doapi-image delete   [-M|--multiple] <image> ...

doapi-image also takes the universal options common to all doapi commands.

Images can be specified by ID number, slug (if any), or name. A name that is also a valid ID or slug is interpreted as such rather than as a name (and so images with such names must be referred to by their ID instead).


doapi-image show [-M|--multiple] [<image> ...]
doapi-image show {--application|--distribution|--type=<type>|--private}

Show images. If no images or flags are specified, all images available to the account are shown. The images are output as a list of Image objects converted to JSON.



Only show application images


Only show distribution images

-M, --multiple

If an argument is the name of more than one image, show all images with that name instead of erroring.


Only show the user’s private images


Only show images of type <type> (application, distribution, or something not otherwise implemented here)


doapi-image update [--unique] <image> <new name>

Update (i.e., rename) an image. The updated image is output as an Image object converted to JSON.



If <new name> is already in use by another image, fail with an error. Without this option, a warning will still be generated if <new name> is already in use.


doapi-image convert [<wait options>] [-M|--multiple] <image> ...

Convert one or more images to snapshots. The Action objects thus produced are output as a JSON list.


In addition to the waiting options, the convert subcommand takes the following:

-M, --multiple

If an argument is the name of more than one image, operate on all images with that name instead of erroring.


doapi-image transfer [<wait options>] [-M|--multiple] <region> <image> ...

Transfer one or more images to another region (identified by its slug). The Action objects thus produced are output as a JSON list.


In addition to the waiting options, the transfer subcommand takes the following:

-M, --multiple

If an argument is the name of more than one image, operate on all images with that name instead of erroring.


doapi-image act [<wait options>] [-p|--params <JSON|@file>] [-M|--multiple] <type> <image> ...

Perform an arbitrary action of type <type> (convert, transfer, or something otherwise not implemented here) on one or more images. The Action objects thus produced are output as a JSON list.


In addition to the waiting options, the act subcommand takes the following:

-M, --multiple

If <image> is the name of more than one image, act on all images with that name instead of erroring.

-p <data>, --params <data>

A JSON object/dictionary of parameters to the action. If <data> begins with “@”, the rest of the argument (if there is any) is treated as a file from which to read the JSON; a filename of - causes data to be read from standard input.


doapi-image actions [--in-progress | --last] <image> ...

List all of the actions that have ever been performed on the given image(s). The results are output as a JSON list containing a sublist of Action objects for each image specified on the command line, in order.



Show only the currently in-progress action on each image instead of a list of all actions. If there is currently no in-progress action on an image, show null.


Show only the most recent action on each image instead of a list of all actions. If multiple actions on a single image were triggered simultaneously, the choice of which to return is undefined.


doapi-image wait [--wait-interval <seconds>] [--wait-time <seconds>] <image> ...

Wait for the currently in-progress actions on the given image(s) to either complete or error out. The finished actions are output as a list of Action objects converted to JSON, with each action output (roughly) as soon as it finishes. If there are no actions currently in progress on a given image, nothing will be output for it.


--wait-interval <seconds>

How often to poll the server for the actions’ current statuses; default value: 5 seconds

--wait-time <seconds>

The maximum number of seconds to wait for all actions to complete. After this much time has passed since program invocation, any remaining in-progress actions will be output immediately without waiting for them to finish.

If this option is not specified, wait will wait indefinitely.


doapi-image delete [-M|--multiple] <image> ...

Delete images. There is no output.


-M, --multiple

If an argument is the name of more than one image, delete all images with that name instead of erroring.