

class doapi.Image[source]

An image resource, representing an OS image that can be used to create or reset a droplet.

New images can be created via the Droplet.snapshot() method. They are also automatically created regularly for droplets that have backups enabled. Images can be retrieved with the doapi.fetch_image() and doapi.fetch_all_images() methods, among others.

The DigitalOcean API specifies the following fields for domain objects:

  • id (int) – a unique identifier for the image
  • created_at (datetime.datetime) – date & time of the image’s creation
  • distribution (string) – the base Linux distribution used for the image
  • min_disk_size (number) – the minimum disk size required for a droplet to use the image
  • name (string) – a human-readable name for the image
  • public (bool) – whether the image is public (i.e., available to all accounts) or not (i.e., only accessible from your account)
  • regions (list of strings) – the slugs of the regions in which the image is available
  • slug (string or None) – the unique slug identifier for the image (only defined for public images)
  • type (string) – the type of the image: "snapshot" or "backup"

The Droplet to which the image belongs. This attribute is only defined for Droplet.image attributes and the images returned by the Droplet.fetch_all_backups() and the Droplet.fetch_all_snapshots() methods. Images obtained by any other means have this attribute set to None.


The endpoint for actions on the specific resource


Perform an arbitrary action on the resource. data will be serialized as JSON and POSTed to the resource’s action_url. All currently-documented actions require the POST body to be a JSON object containing, at a minimum, a "type" field.

Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the resource
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error
wait(wait_interval=None, wait_time=None)

Poll the server periodically until the resource’s most recent action has either completed or errored out, and return the resource’s final state afterwards. If wait_time is exceeded or a KeyboardInterrupt is caught, the resource’s current state is returned immediately without waiting for completion.

  • wait_interval (number) – how many seconds to sleep between requests; defaults to the doapi object’s wait_interval if not specified or None
  • wait_time (number) – the total number of seconds after which the method will return, or a negative number to wait indefinitely; defaults to the doapi object’s wait_time if not specified or None

the resource’s final state


DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error


Returns a generator that yields all of the actions associated with the resource

Return type:generator of Actions
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Fetch the most recent action performed on the resource. If multiple actions were triggered simultaneously, the choice of which to return is undefined.

Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Fetch the action currently in progress on the resource, or None if there is no such action

Return type:Action or None
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Fetch the droplet to which the resource belongs, or return None if the resource’s droplet attribute is None

Return type:Droplet or None
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Convert the resource to its unique ID


Convert the image to its slug representation. If the image does not have a slug, an AttributeError is raised.


The endpoint for operations on the specific image


Fetch & return a new Image object representing the image’s current state

Return type:Image
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error (e.g., if the image no longer exists)

Update (i.e., rename) the image

Parameters:name (str) – the new name for the image
Returns:an updated Image object
Return type:Image
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Delete the image

Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Transfer the image to another region

Parameters:region (string or Region) – the slug or Region object representing the region to which to transfer the image
Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the image
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error

Convert the image to a snapshot

Returns:an Action representing the in-progress operation on the image
Return type:Action
Raises:DOAPIError – if the API endpoint replies with an error