

doapi-image — manage DigitalOcean droplet images


doapi-image show     [-M|--multiple] [<image> ...]
doapi-image show     {--application|--distribution|--type=<type>|--private}

doapi-image update   [--unique] <image> <new name>

doapi-image convert  [<wait options>] [-M|--multiple] <image> ...
doapi-image transfer [<wait options>] [-M|--multiple] <region> <image> ...

doapi-image act      [<wait options>] [-p|--params <JSON|@file>] [-M|--multiple] <type> <image> ...
doapi-image actions  [--in-progress | --last] [-M|--multiple] <image> ...
doapi-image wait     [--wait-time <seconds>] [--wait-interval <seconds>] [-M|--multiple] <image> ...

doapi-image delete   [-M|--multiple] <image> ...

doapi-image also takes the universal options common to all doapi commands.

Images can be specified by ID number, slug (if any), or name. A name that is also a valid ID or slug is interpreted as such rather than as a name (and so images with such names must be referred to by their ID instead).


doapi-image show [-M|--multiple] [<image> ...]
doapi-image show {--application|--distribution|--type=<type>|--private}

Show images. If no images or flags are specified, all images available to the account are shown. The images are output as a list of Image objects converted to JSON.



Only show application images


Only show distribution images

-M, --multiple

Arguments that could refer to multiple images are interpreted as such rather than using the default resolution rules; see Handling Non-Uniqueness of Identifiers for more information.


Only show the user’s private images


Only show images of type <type> (application, distribution, or something not otherwise implemented here)


doapi-image update [--unique] <image> <new name>

Update (i.e., rename) an image. The updated image is output as an Image object converted to JSON.



If <new name> is already in use by another image, fail with an error. Without this option, a warning will still be generated if <new name> is already in use.


doapi-image convert [<wait options>] [-M|--multiple] <image> ...

Convert one or more images to snapshots. The Action objects thus produced are output as a JSON list.


In addition to the waiting options, the convert subcommand takes the following:

-M, --multiple

Arguments that could refer to multiple images are interpreted as such rather than using the default resolution rules; see Handling Non-Uniqueness of Identifiers for more information.


doapi-image transfer [<wait options>] [-M|--multiple] <region> <image> ...

Transfer one or more images to another region (identified by its slug). The Action objects thus produced are output as a JSON list.


In addition to the waiting options, the transfer subcommand takes the following:

-M, --multiple

Arguments that could refer to multiple images are interpreted as such rather than using the default resolution rules; see Handling Non-Uniqueness of Identifiers for more information.


doapi-image act [<wait options>] [-p|--params <JSON|@file>] [-M|--multiple] <type> <image> ...

Perform an arbitrary action of type <type> (convert, transfer, or something otherwise not implemented here) on one or more images. The Action objects thus produced are output as a JSON list.


In addition to the waiting options, the act subcommand takes the following:

-M, --multiple

Arguments that could refer to multiple images are interpreted as such rather than using the default resolution rules; see Handling Non-Uniqueness of Identifiers for more information.

-p <data>, --params <data>

A JSON object/dictionary of parameters to the action. If <data> begins with “@”, the rest of the argument (if there is any) is treated as a file from which to read the JSON; a filename of - causes data to be read from standard input.


doapi-image actions [--in-progress | --last] <image> ...

List all of the actions that have ever been performed on the given image(s). The results are output as a JSON list containing a sublist of Action objects for each image specified on the command line, in order.



Show only the currently in-progress action on each image instead of a list of all actions. If there is currently no in-progress action on an image, show null.


Show only the most recent action on each image instead of a list of all actions. If multiple actions on a single image were triggered simultaneously, the choice of which to return is undefined. If no actions were ever performed on an image, show null.


doapi-image wait [--wait-interval <seconds>] [--wait-time <seconds>] <image> ...

Wait for the currently in-progress actions on the given image(s) to either complete or error out. The finished actions are output as a list of Action objects converted to JSON, with each action output (roughly) as soon as it finishes. If there are no actions currently in progress on a given image, nothing will be output for it.


--wait-interval <seconds>

How often to poll the server for the actions’ current statuses; default value: 2 seconds

--wait-time <seconds>

The maximum number of seconds to wait for all actions to complete. After this much time has passed since program invocation, any remaining in-progress actions will be output immediately without waiting for them to finish.

If this option is not specified, wait will wait indefinitely.


doapi-image delete [-M|--multiple] <image> ...

Delete images. If any of the given images do not exist, nothing is deleted. There is no output.


-M, --multiple

Arguments that could refer to multiple images are interpreted as such rather than using the default resolution rules; see Handling Non-Uniqueness of Identifiers for more information.